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Your Adviser Services Team

Meet your Paraplanning Powerhouse - the triad of expertise! 


Aaron, Teresa, and Daniel are experienced, long-standing members of our team, fully qualified with a wealth of expertise, and they play a pivotal role in your financial planning journey with us.

What do they do?

They work alongside our financial advisers to meticulously gather, analyse, and organise your financial data, ensuring that your recommendations are well informed and aligned with your goals. 

They understand that you are unique, which is why they design financial plans tailored exclusively to you. One of their many talents is simplifying the complex. They know you don't want longwinded reports filled with jargon, which is why they pride themselves on delivering reports that are clear and concise.

As you continue your journey with Cairn, you will have the pleasure of working closely with them as they guide you through your financial planning journey with us. Their insights, dedication, and ability to create solutions tailored to your needs will be instrumental in achieving your objectives.

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